Performance Monitoring Model to Increase the Productivity of STMIK Mardira Indonesia Employees


  • Sudiryo Sudiryo ARS University
  • A Rohendi ARS University
  • Dasrun Hidayat ARS University


Kata Kunci:

Performance Assessment, Supervision Model, Human Resources Information System


Performance monitoring is a crucial aspect in assessing the advancement of an organization. An effective way to monitor performance is by implementing performance assessments for staff. Employee performance is consistently hindered by the absence of work achievement targets or Employee Work Targets (SKP). This study aims to develop a performance monitoring framework that can be used at STMIK Mardira Indonesia. The research methodology is qualitative, utilizing a case study design and naturalistic observation. The recommended performance monitoring model for implementation at STMIK Mardira is a hybrid approach that combines Traditional Assessment, Management by Objective (MBO), and 360-degree Feedback models. This model is further enhanced by utilizing a digital-based information system called the Human Resource Information System (HRIS).


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Cara Mengutip

Sudiryo, S., Rohendi, A., & Hidayat, D. (2024). Performance Monitoring Model to Increase the Productivity of STMIK Mardira Indonesia Employees. Majalah Bisnis &Amp; IPTEK, 17(1), 23–38.