Kata Kunci:
organizational culture, work design and quality of supervise, employee performanceAbstrak
Tax is a source of income for the State, therefore it is necessary to be encouraged in order to achieve the optimal target. In achieving these objectives it is necessary to encourage human resources within government institutions.
This study aims to determine the influence of organizational culture, work design and quality of supervision on employee performance. The population in this study are the employees who are in one of the Tax Office Primary in Bandung. The respondents employed were 83 employees. The research method used with cossectional survey approach. Technique of data analysis used path analysis.
The result of research indicate that organizational culture, work design and quality of supervise have significant effect to employee performance either simultant or partial. Organizational culture variable is the most dominant variable in influencing employee performance then followed by work design variable and quality of supervision. The result of coefficient of determination showed that equal to 78,2% while equal to 21,8% influenced by other factor not examined in this research. Based on the results of the research, it is necessary to strengthen the organizational culture so that the performance of employees can be achieved optimally, however synergy can also be supported by the work design and the quality of supervision.
Keywords: organizational culture, work design and quality of supervise, employee performance.