
  • A. Heri Wiyono STIE Pasundan, Bandung
  • Djajun Juhara STIE Pasundan, Bandung

Kata Kunci:

leadership, labor productivity


Leadership is a process by which the leadership or leader can influence subordinates or others, to subordinate or someone else is willing to do what is desired by the leader or leaders. Leadership style is the way in which the leadership or leader in influencing subordinates or others, in order to achieve what he wants. Labor productivity is real work obtained by work force that is based on a patriotic stance which considers that it should be better today than yesterday, and tomorrow be better than today. Ways of working to be better today than yesterday's ways of working, and ways to work tomorrow to be better than the ways of work these days. To improve labor productivity, situational leadership style is most appropriate style applied a leader or leader at the moment, given that the application of force is adapted to the maturity level subordinates or followers. It is based on the assumption that each subordinate or others will have a different maturity level with each other.

 Keywords: leadership; leadership style; labor productivity


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Cara Mengutip

Wiyono, A. H. ., & Juhara, D. . (2021). GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN DAN PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA. Majalah Bisnis &Amp; IPTEK, 8(1). Diambil dari