Majalah Bisnis & IPTEK 2024-05-23T17:23:33+07:00 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Majalah Bisnis &amp; IPTEK</strong> (E ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2502-1559</a>, P ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1410-6949</a>), DOI:, is an information media facility and forum for discussing and studying economic issues related to the context of business and science and technology are also intended as a medium of communication between academics published by the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) STIE Pasundan Bandung and published two times a year in April and October.</p> <p><strong>Majalah Bisnis &amp; IPTEK</strong> (E ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2502-1559</a>, P ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1410-6949</a>), DOI:, 2023 will be published in English and receive articles relating to the development of Industry 4.0 towards Industry Society 5.0, which applies high technology to increase efficiency and productivity, reduce negative environmental impacts, achieve sustainable development, human and machine collaboration, and attention to aspects such as the environment and worker welfare.</p> <p><strong>Majalah Bisnis &amp; IPTEK</strong> accredited by <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dikti Sinta Rank 5</a>,</strong> indexed by <strong><a href=";hl" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a>, Directory Open Access Journal</strong> <strong>(<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOAJ</a>),</strong> <strong><a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Crossref</a>,</strong> <strong><a href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1313920" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a> </strong>and <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Index Copernicus</a>.</strong></p> Financial Analysis of Establishing Cicendo Eye Center in Garut 2024-02-05T19:46:28+07:00 Enang Suherman Eka Purwanda <p><em>Engaging in business inevitably involves encountering many barriers and limits, such as the Shisendo Eye Clinic. While the primary focus of this project is eye health, it is crucial to do a comprehensive business feasibility analysis to prevent failures and mitigate any hazards in the future. This study aims to elucidate the business viability assessment for establishing the Cicendo Eye Clinic in the city of Garut, focusing on internal areas of the organization, including marketing, technical operations, management, and human resources. In this instance, the emphasis is primarily on the financial aspect. </em></p> <p><em>The employed techniques are both descriptive and analytical. Data collection methods encompass observation, interviews, document analysis, and literature review. Data analysis methods employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative data is essential for non-financial sectors, while quantitative data is necessary for financial and commercial sectors. The use of statistical techniques and the Microsoft Excel software program facilitates the analysis of quantitative data. According to the statistics and analysis of the establishment of the Garut Main Clinic of Centro Oftalmológico Sisendo, the clinic was able to recoup all investment expenses within three years of operation. The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate at which the net present value of an investment becomes zero. A potential investment is considered viable if the internal rate of return (IRR) surpasses the anticipated rate. The internal rate of return (IRR) for the new clinic project at the 5-year Break Event Point (BEP) is 21.5% annually. Hence, this project is feasible and can be further pursued.</em></p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Enang Suherman, Eka Purwanda Waste Bank Innovation Management Using Digital Innovation System Management in Cicadas Village, Gunung Putri District, Bogor Regency 2024-02-05T19:48:12+07:00 Siti Romlah Hasanah Eka Purwanda <p><em>Urbanization has led to a concomitant rise in population, giving rise to various socioeconomic and environmental issues. Consequently, trash problems frequently arise in numerous developing nations like Indonesia. Several cities in Indonesia continue to grapple with their deteriorating garbage issues due to heightened output. Therefore, to establish an optimal waste management framework in a given area, developing a comprehensive plan or strategy that becomes the standard for waste management practices is imperative. Waste professionals deem Indoneeds to be more accurate, reliable, and unreliable in terms of amount and composition. These findings have significance for the appropriate planning and decision-making processes in dealing with waste problems at the national, provincial, and city/regency levels. The waste issue in Bogor Regency has once again garnered attention following the inability to transfer 2,400 tons of waste. The escalating nature of this scenario is becoming more worrisome due to the projected rise in trash generation by 2023. </em></p> <p><em>This study aims to assess and appraise the operations of a waste bank by implementing novel advancements at the Green Cikeas waste bank, which serves as a trailblazing waste bank in Cigales Village. Efficient administration of digital innovation systems can enhance waste management activities, thereby contributing to community satisfaction. This innovation has the potential to become a standard for digitalization since it introduces a digital innovation system management idea that can be used in any location and significantly enhance job efficiency. One of the primary objectives of managing digital innovation systems is to attain efficiency and optimization in various areas, such as the management procedures of the bank. This study also considers other viewpoints, encompassing management, human resources, economics, social, and environmental dimensions.</em></p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Siti Romlah Hasanah, Eka Purwanda Performance Monitoring Model to Increase the Productivity of STMIK Mardira Indonesia Employees 2024-04-02T22:35:14+07:00 Sudiryo Sudiryo A Rohendi Dasrun Hidayat <p><em>Performance monitoring is a crucial aspect in assessing the advancement of an organization. An effective way to monitor performance is by implementing performance assessments for staff. Employee performance is consistently hindered by the absence of work achievement targets or Employee Work Targets (SKP). This study aims to develop a performance monitoring framework that can be used at STMIK Mardira Indonesia. The research methodology is qualitative, utilizing a case study design and naturalistic observation. The recommended performance monitoring model for implementation at STMIK Mardira is a hybrid approach that combines Traditional Assessment, Management by Objective (MBO), and 360-degree Feedback models. This model is further enhanced by utilizing a digital-based information system called the Human Resource Information System (HRIS).</em></p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Sudiryo Sudiryo, A Rohendi, Dasrun Hidayat The Influence of Motivation and Work Competence on Employee Performance 2024-04-02T22:36:29+07:00 Toni Geopani Asep Rochyadi Suherman Adang Adang Annita Jannah Djadjat Suswanto <p>This study investigates how work motivation and competency impact employee performance at a marketing-related organization. The research focused on work motivation and competence because these factors are critical in determining an individual's success within the organization's framework. The regression analysis method examines Employee performance in connection to these variables.</p> <p>Based on the research findings, motivation has a total influence of 40.7% on employee performance, making it the most significant factor. Motivation is an innate desire that propels people to accomplish the objectives they set for themselves at work. A high level of motivation can boost workers' morale, commitment, and work ethic. Managers must comprehend and use the elements that inspire workers, such as rewards for accomplishments, chances for professional growth, and suitable incentives.</p> <p>However, with a total influence of 27.3%, work competency also has a noteworthy impact on employee performance. Job competencies are the set of abilities, attitudes, and knowledge required to succeed in a specific work. Workers with solid work abilities are typically better equipped to perform their jobs quickly and effectively. As a result, the organization's management must be dedicated to enhancing worker competency through development, training, and ongoing education.</p> <p>With a coefficient of determination value of 68.1%, the analysis demonstrates that the influence of both job competence and motivation significantly influences variations in employee performance. Nonetheless, these two factors account for just about 31.9% of the variability in performance. External variables like the workplace, organizational policy, external economic situations, and internal employee considerations may also impact employee performance.</p> <p>These results give the organization's management helpful information for creating plans and policies that enhance worker performance. Enhancing work competence and staff motivation can be a significant starting point. To improve effectiveness, businesses must also consider other aspects affecting employee performance.</p> <p>The study highlights the significance of work motivation and competence as critical elements influencing employee performance in a marketing-related organization. Enterprises are expected to enhance their total performance, production, and efficiency by comprehending and controlling these aspects. To improve knowledge of the variables affecting worker performance and to pinpoint more targeted approaches to boosting competence and motivation at work, further study can be done.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Toni Geopani, Asep Rochyadi Suherman, Adang Adang, Annita Jannah, Djadjat Suswanto The Influence of Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance 2024-04-16T23:29:16+07:00 Fauziah Nur Hasanah Dhea Perdana Coenraad Lungguh Jatmika Rd. Rahadian Arby <p>This study aims to determine the extent to which work motivation and discipline impact the performance of employees at a pharmaceutical medical equipment company located in Bandung City. The research method employed is descriptive and verification techniques. The researchers employed a data collection strategy involving the distribution of a questionnaire to a sample size of 40 individuals. The instrument underwent rigorous testing before its deployment to ensure its validity and reliability. The statistical technique employed was path analysis, conducted using SPSS version 25 software. The results of descriptive research conducted at a pharmaceutical medical equipment company in Bandung revealed that motivation was evaluated. The work discipline is commendable, and the employee performance is excellent. The verification results indicate that Motivation and Work Discipline significantly impact the performance of study employees at a pharmaceutical medical equipment company in Bandung City. Additionally, there is a correlation between Work Motivation, Work Discipline, and the performance of study employees at the same company.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Fauziah Nur Hasanah, Dhea Perdana Coenraad, Lungguh Jatmika, Rd. Rahadian Arby The Influence of the Merchandise Inventory Accounting Information System on Internal Control of Merchandise Inventory 2024-04-28T21:33:54+07:00 Agmy Dewi Purwanto Bulan Tati Fitria Djajun Juhara Adam Ramdani <p>This study aims to examine the extent to which the Merchandise Inventory Accounting Information System impacts the Internal Control of Merchandise Inventory. The variables examined in this study are the Accounting Information System as the independent variable and Internal Control as the dependent variable. The population for this study consisted of the inventory department of a company operating in the service sector in Bandung. A sample of 40 individuals was selected for the investigation.</p> <p>The research employed a descriptive-analytic approach and verification analysis, utilizing questionnaires for data collection. The data analysis application employs the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 25 for Windows. The research employed the Correlation Coefficient Test, Simple Linear Regression, Determination Coefficient, and Normality Test for analysis.</p> <p>The Pearson Product Moment Correlation calculation indicates a "Very Strong" association between the Merchandise Inventory Accounting Information System and Internal Control of Merchandise Inventory. The merchandise inventory accounting information system significantly impacts 74.9% of the internal control of goods inventory. The remaining 25.1% is influenced by external factors that were not included in the variables evaluated by the author. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that the merchandise accounting information system significantly impacts the internal control of goods inventory.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Agmy Dewi Purwanto, Bulan Tati Fitria, Djajun Juhara, Adam Ramdani The Influence of Cash Sales Accounting Information Systems on Internal Control of Cash Sales 2024-04-28T21:35:55+07:00 Ajeng Ayu Anggraeni Maulana Yusup Robbi Saepul Rahman Jimmy Rusjiana <p>This study seeks to determine and analyze the impact of variables. The research employed a quantitative methodology, explicitly utilizing a descriptive approach and verification methods such as correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, and coefficient of determination. The study included a population of 30 individuals, and the samples collected encompassed the entire community.</p> <p>According to the research findings on a consumer goods distributor company in Bandung, it can be concluded that the company's cash sales accounting information system (X) is performing well, with a score of 3.25. The internal control of cash sales (Y) is also reported to be entirely satisfactory, with a score of 3.19. The findings of this study indicate a significant correlation (correlation coefficient of 0.862) between the Cash Sales Accounting Information System and Cash Sales Internal Control. The Cash Sales Accounting Information System contributes to 74.3% of the variation in Cash Sales Internal Control (R square contribution). The remaining 25.7% is attributed to unexamined factors such as company policy.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Ajeng Ayu Anggraeni, Maulana Yusup, Robbi Saepul Rahman, Jimmy Rusjiana The Influence of the Accounting Information System for Providing Credit on Internal Control of Providing Credit 2024-04-28T22:06:45+07:00 Amalia Erfiana Tiara Putri Siti Mialasmaya Roro Endah Kumalasari Galih Putra Prawiranegara <p>The research was carried out at the Bandung office of PT. BPR Kerta Raharja employed a quantitative methodology, specifically utilizing a descriptive approach and verification methods such as correlation coefficient, simple regression, and coefficient of determination. The sample size in this study consisted of 10 individuals.</p> <p>The research findings indicate that the Accounting Information System for Providing Credit falls under the category of reasonably excellent, with a score of 3.29. Similarly, the Internal Control for Providing Credit is also classified as quite good, achieving a score of 2.96.</p> <p>The calculation of the independent variable, the Accounting Information System for Providing Credit, and the dependent variable, Internal Control of Providing Credit, yielded a correlation value of r = 0.872. The simple linear regression equation is Y = 19.229 + 0.929X. The coefficient of determination (R2), expressed as a percentage, indicates the magnitude of the relationship. The credit-granting accounting information system (X) has a significant influence of 0.872 or 76.1% on credit-granting internal control (Y). The remaining 23.9% is attributed to other factors not examined in this research.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Amalia Erfiana Tiara Putri, Siti Mialasmaya, Roro Endah Kumalasari, Galih Putra Prawiranegara Application Design of Stock Inventory of Meatball Serving Ingredients for Anhel MSME Bakso 2024-05-01T22:45:59+07:00 Muhamad Hesky Ramadan Roni Ilham Subagja Asep Suherman Isak Ramlan <p><em>Inventory management systems are a cornerstone of operational efficiency for MSMEs (Micro et al.). This study aims to develop and implement an inventory management information system for MSME Bakso ANHEL. The system, which enables real-time inventory tracking, order optimization, and improved supply chain efficiency, is a testament to the transformative power of information technology in enhancing the competitiveness of MSMEs. The findings of this study can provide valuable insights for MSME Bakso ANHEL and other similar businesses, equipping them with the tools to address inventory management challenges. The strategic use of information technology is a game-changer for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).</em></p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Muhamad Hesky Ramadan, Roni Ilham Subagja, Asep Suherman, Isak Ramlan Fullstack Implementation Using Angular Framework and Springboot in the Participant Admission Information System New Education (PPDB) (RA DAARUN Case Study - NISAA) 2024-05-01T22:55:01+07:00 Alifia Khaerunnisa Dadi Rosadi Haris Supriatna Dadang Latif <p><em>RA DAARUN-NISAA is an educational institution situated in a specific area in Bandung. It annually admits new students. This university attracts many fans due to its engaging learning system that prevents students from feeling bored and its rigorous teaching system. Nevertheless, the admission process at RA DAARUN-NISA is still carried out manually. Due to the absence of a student admission data management system, the incoming data has yet to be integrated into the system. Since the student admission process has yet to be digitized, there are still instances of duplicate data.</em></p> <p><em>Consequently, the operator must manually organize the data before inputting it into the central system. A design for an information system to accommodate new students was developed based on the issues identified in the research findings. The research methodology employed in this thesis is the descriptive analysis method. The system development method employed is the SDLC (Software et al.) method, which utilizes a waterfall model. The system was designed utilizing the Angular framework for the front end and Springboot for the back end, with PostgreSQL as the database. The research concludes that an information system has been developed at RA DAARUN-NISAA to facilitate the registration process for new students. This system allows prospective students to register more efficiently while enabling direct management and minimization of data during the registration process. the duplicate. Recommendations for researching student admission information systems involve creating and maintaining a system that operates efficiently and at its highest potential.</em></p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Alifia Khaerunnisa, Dadi Rosadi, Haris Supriatna, Dadang Latif