organizational culture, work discipline, work motivation, performanceAbstract
This research was conducted in the District Batujajar. The results of preliminary studies indicate that the performance of the sub-district officials have not met the expectations. Not optimal performance of the sub-district officials, allegedly because of organizational culture, work discipline, and his motivation is still low.
Departing from the above phenomenon, the problem formulated in this study as follows: How oragnisasional culture, work discipline, motivation, and performance apparatus Batujajar District of Bandung regency. How much influence organizational culture, work discipline, and motivation to work on the performance of the apparatus Batujajar District of Bandung either partially or simultaneously.
The method used is descriptive method of analysis, with a total population of 43 people, all of them serve as respondent (census). The data analysis technique used is the correlation analysis techniques to determine the degree of closeness of the relationship between the study variables and path analysis techniques to determine the effect, directly or indirectly, exogenous variables on endogenous variables. In the operationalization used SPSS 10 and Excel.
The results showed that the direct effect of organizational culture on the performance of the sub-district officials Batujajar of 0,066, the indirect effect through labor discipline of 0.007, the indirect effect through the work motivation of 0.056, so the total effect of 0, 129. The direct effect on the performance of work discipline is equal to 0.064 and indirect effect through organizational culture on the performance of 0,007, the indirect effect through motivation to work on the performance of 0.043, so that the total effect is equal to 0.114. Simultaneous influence of organizational culture, work discipline, and motivation to work on the performance of the apparatus Batujajar District of Bandung amounted to 0.621, the remaining amount of 0.379 determined by other variables.
Based on the results, it can put forward some suggestions as follows: in the sub-district leader Batujajar districts should emphasize employment targets, concerned with improving employee skills, providing working facilities, Giving rewards for high achievers and sanctions for noncompliance; have a clear and unequivocal rules for the convenience of the employees, understand the various rules, obey and adhere to the regulations set out, follow up on the results of the evaluation produces a better solution, sanctions for violating any rules; increase the income of workers, improving the ability of the apparatus, looking for new ways better, reward commensurate with the burden of his duties and responsibilities.
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