Employee Spirit: The Influence of Leadership Style and Work Environment
Study on Education and Culture Service Serang District
leadership style, work environment, work spiritAbstract
The method used in this study is a quantitative method. This method is used to predict the influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable, in this study the variable X1 (Leadership Style) X2 (Work Environment) is the independent variable (free) and the variable Y (Work Spirit) is the dependent variable (bound). The sample in this study was 70 people, the instrument used was primary data and multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the data.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between leadership style and work environment on employee morale at the Education and Culture Office of Serang Regency. with the test results obtained multiple linear regression equation that is Y= 28.019 + 0.215 X1 + 0.246 X2. and hypothesis testing, the value of tcount Leadership Style = 2.312, using the significant limit = 0.05, obtained ttable = 1.66757. and tcount Work Environment = 4.034 obtained ttable = 1.66757 From these results, the test criteria are tcount > ttable, which means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus the t-test hypothesis of the leadership style variable and work environment has a significant influence on work motivation, and the leadership style variable has a coefficient of determination of 0.215 which means that there is an influence of leadership style and work environment on employee morale by 21.5% and the remaining 78.5% is influenced by variables others not included in this study.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Work Environment, Work Spirit
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