Kata Kunci:
workability, motivation, organizational commitment, performance of employeesAbstrak
The demands on the performance of employees to work professionally, honestly and justly so obvious, clear, hard and firm. Increased employee performance requires the factors that affect, among others, the ability, motivation, and commitment. This study aims to determine the effect of work ability, motivation and organizational commitment to employee performance. In this study took a sample of 100 employees. The analytical method used to answer the hypothesis is by using path analysis. The research results indicate that the ability (X1) has a direct influence by 14.30%, the indirect influence through its relationship with the motivation (X2) amounted to 10.36%, indirect effect through Commitment (X3) at 2.44% and the total effect amounted to 27.10%. Variable Motivation (X2) has a direct influence by 22.56%, the indirect influence through its relationship with the ability (X1) of 10.36%, and the indirect influence through Commitment variable (X3) of 2.31%, so that the total effect of 35.20%. Variable Commitment (X3) have direct influence by 2.95%, while the indirect effect through its relationship with the ability (X1) of 2.44%, and the indirect influence through Motivation (X2) is 2.31%, so that the total effect of 7.70%. The coefficient of determination calculation results are expressed as a percentage portray the contribution of all the independent variables are Capabilities (X1), motivation (X2), and commitment (X3) in determining variation Employee Performance (Y) is approximately 70.03%. While the rest are other factors not examined in this study.
Keywords: workability; motivation; organizational commitment; performance of employees
Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2016 Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis & Entrepreneurship
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