Thrift Business Network Analysis at Happy Thrift Stuf


  • Nana Heriana Universitas Teknologi Digital Bandung
  • Resya Dwi Marselina Universitas Teknologi Digital Bandung
  • Santi Nurul Adha Universitas Teknologi Digital Bandung
  • Alna Azzahra Nur S Universitas Teknologi Digital Bandung


Kata Kunci:

Business Networking, Thrift Business, Business Network Analysis


The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze how the business network of Thrift business in Happythrifstuff. The data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and documentation. The research method used in this study is a description method with a qualitative approach, namely by collecting, managing, and presenting data that has been obtained at the time of research so that actual and complete information is obtained. The results of this study show that Thrift's business network at Happythriftstuff is: taking goods from Bandung (Gede Bage), which comes from Batam Distributors (Sumatra) and its main suppliers come from Korea and Japan. From the analysis conducted, it shows that usha thrift is suitable for students or students who want to start a business with relatively low capital and a promising income. This can be seen from the capital cost for 40 pcs of Rp. 5,740,000 with profit income for sales of 40 pcs of Rp. 1,148,000. This paper is hoped that this paper can be inspired to open a Thrift business. So that it can earn income and can help meet daily needs.


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Cara Mengutip

Heriana, N., Marselina, R. D., Adha, S. N., & S, A. A. N. (2024). Thrift Business Network Analysis at Happy Thrift Stuf. Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis &Amp; Entrepreneurship (e-Journal), 18(1), 197–204.